

Chiropractic is based on the premise that proper movement of the spine and peripheral joints is required for correct function of the nerve system, regulation of global physiology and health. Chiropractic is the art, science and philosophy of detecting and correcting deficient intersegmental spinal movement.
– Chestnut J. L.  – The 14 Foundational Premises for the Scientific and Philosophical Validation of the Chiropractic Wellness Paradigm 2003
The Wellness Practice Victoria BC
A Chiropractic subluxation is a state of abnormal motion or alignment of the spine and/or peripheral joints that cause inflammation, decay in muscles, ligaments, tendon and bone. This results in toxic amounts of sickness promoting nerve signals called nociception and a deficiency of health promoting nerve signals called proprioception to the spinal cord and brain. Often this process causes no pain. This causes neuromuscular activity (muscle spasm) locally, above and below, and stimulates stress centres in the brain to release stress hormones throughout the body. Lack of proper intersegmental movement is a stressor to the human body. Stressors produce adaption which can eventually lead to chronic illness.

The Chiropractic Subluxation is not the only stressor encountered in life. The others include deficiency of movement (lack of exercise), mental stress, and toxins (food/environment).  In a Western lifestyle all these stressors are potentially encountered all at once. As a result, Northlakes Wellness Practice offers Lifestyle Education to compliment your Chiropractic care to promote balance and health.

Spinal Health Assessment and Report of Findings.

Upon arrival you will be asked to complete a questionnaire to reveal your health history and current spinal health status. An evidence based Spinal Health Assessment (SHA) will take place to reveal the nature of your movement deficiency and changes in function. Assessment of the three arch complex of the feet is also undertaken via a digital laser scanner to check how any deficits may impact the spine and extremities (ankles, knees, hips).
Often x-rays, CT scan and MRI scan can complete the examination. A Report of Findings will be organised to explain your health and movement deficiencies and outline a course of action.

Chiropractic Care

Your Chiropractic Care is always delivered with lifestyle advice and corrective exercises. The main Chiropractic Technique/methods utilised in this office to help correct the Chiropractic Subluxation are:

Manual Adjustments (delivered by hand or use of specialised adjusting tables)

Sacro- Occipital Technique (a low force technique)

Impulse Adjusting Instrument.  These computerised instruments utilize the most up to date science and technology.

Chiropractic & Children

Health and lifestyle early in life have profound impacts on health and quality of life in later years. Reduced activity levels and prolonged postures (such as looking at screens and phones) may have detrimental impacts upon the spine. Chiropractors are trained and educated in implementing evidenced based strategies for prevention of spinal pain and musculoskeletal disorders in infants, children and adolescents. Chiropractors are also educated to modify spinal adjustments to suit the age and presenting condition of a patient.
Hartvigsen, J, Hestbaek, L, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Oct 2009, Vol 32(8)
ACA Website “Chiropractic and You”

Pregnancy & Chiropractic

Chiropractic evaluation and treatment during pregnancy may be considered a safe and effective means of treating common musculoskeletal symptoms that affect pregnant patients.  These include, back, leg and neck pain.
Borggren, C.L., J Chiropr Med. 2007 Spring;6 (2); 70-74.

Chiropractic & Pain

Chiropractic care is useful in the treatment of pain, in particular in the prevention of the development of chronic pain.  The use of active care (exercise, activity modification, lifestyle education) and regular chiropractic adjustments will accomplish this goal.
Rubinstein SM, van Middlekoop M, et al. “Spinal Manipulative Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain.” Cochrane Database Syst rev (2)

Itz, C.J. et al. (2013) Clinical course of non-specific low back pain: A systemic review of prospective cohort studies set in primary care. European Journal of Pain (17): 5-15

Senna, M.K. and Machaly, S.A. (2011) “Does maintained spinal manipulation therapy for chronic nonspecific low back pain result in better long-term outcome?” Spine. Aug 15;36(18):1427-37

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